Joel Spencer Skills Courses Projects
Classes Taken
University of Missouri-Columbia Mizzou
Department Course Description Term Grade Units Projects
Information Technology Python 1 An introduction to the Python 3 programming langauge Fall 2020 A+ 3.00 NA
Web Application Development 1 An introduction into the fundamentals of web development Fall 2020 A- 3.00 This website
Fundamentals of Network Technology An introduction into the fundamentals of Networks Fall 2020 A 3.00 NA
Programming Languanges and Paradigms A look at multiple languages primarily C#, discussing multiple programming paradigms including object-oriented programming Spring 2020 A+ 3.00 Music Playlist Analyzer
Introduction to Digital Media Design An introduction into the fundamentals of digital media design practices Spring 2020 A 3.00 Joplin Movie Trailer
Math Analytic Geometry and Calculus I Elementary analytic geometry, functions, limits, continuity, derivatives, antiderivatives, definite integrals Fall 2019 B 5.00 NA
Computer Science Algorith Design and Programming An introduction to C programming langauge and the fundamentals programming Fall 2019 B- 4.00 Dungeons and Dragons game
Introduction to Computer Science An introduction to computer science and career oppurtunites related to the field Fall 2019 A 1.00 NA
Joel Spencer
Joel Spencer

Information Technology
Total Credits | 63 h.

phone: 816-308-7103